Monday, March 26, 2012

March 2012

Its the last week of March. I am not going to reach my 100 miles for this month either. Which says to me "Leigh you need to make some changes" As I look back on my calendar I have noticed that all my miles are on the weekends with very few if any miles during the week.
Started out the month with a 5K here in my hometown. Sporting my new skirt from running skirts which was a hit!! With every race a constant reminder that I need to train more consistently. 
The next weekend the first Grand Prix Race for the Anniston Runners Club. I know that there is no way I can win the Grand Prix b/c I am just not fast enough. Yet I go anyway b/c I have missed all of my running friends. The 5K is called Mardi Gras so I made sure I wore Purple, yellow and green even Mardi Gras beads. Just wanting to get in theme. :-) I won a door prize. YEA!! Hey if I can't be fast at least I can win a door prize. A nike live strong bag and insulated water bottle. 
It was so good to see all of my friends and be running on a regular basis. Which is something I really haven't done in a long time. Partly because I was burnt out and partly because I let other things take priority over what I wanted. I convinced myself that some people were more important than what I wanted. Next thing I knew I had given up running, bible study and gained 30lbs. WOW and didn't even see it happening. Now I am running more regular , back in bible study and have lost 19 of the 30lbs I had gained. Finding myself again. So as crazy as it seems I got to thinking to myself that I couldn't believe I wasn't out running a half marathon for the month of March. (what in the world...this doesn't sound like anything I would be saying) yet I was missing not having a race. I found one in Germantown not far from my family and decided it was perfect. I signed up on Thursday before the race and let my Dad & Sister know I was coming for a Mini Visit. I got up that Saturday & drove to Memphis the Saturday before the race. We went to the expo which was where they were having the RRCA National Convention. Won a Race entry to the Gateway Outerbanks Marathon....ooops was I supposed to be a part of the convention? Thanks for letting me win anyway Alabama Rep had my back and mailed me my entry. So Now what?.....Im gonna run a Marathon in November. Finished the Germantown Half  (6th one this year) 6 is my record for number of halfs in a year.....Got a PR about died from the heat...well it felt like it during the last mile I started getting a heat rash. Overall Fun Day. I will write more about the race later.
Today is the 26th and Ive only run 50 of my 100 miles for the month so I will once again be behind on miles and will need to do a lot of catching up in the months ahead. :-) Running the Rumpshaker 5K on Saturday then going to the park for a Virtual 5K the same day ending the month with a bang and two 5ks for Charity. Sounds Good To me!!

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